3 free activities to help your child learn to read Serbian words today

Do you want to encourage your kids to learn to read Serbian words? It would help if you had easy and low-prep Serbian language activities, but you don’t have the time to make them. Don’t panic. I have prepared 3 FREE Serbian language worksheets to help your kids sound out their first Serbian words.

ACTIVITY#1 Reading words in the Serbian language using bottle caps

FREE Cyrillic Alphabet - azbuka

You will need

  • small bottle caps
  • bottle caps printable with pictures
  • bottle caps printable with syllables
  • scissors
  • glue


Cut out the bottle cap printables. Use glue to place the pictures and syllables on the bottle caps. Arrange the bottle caps in three bowls.

1. bottle caps with pictures on  2. bottle caps with blue syllables

3. bottle caps with red syllables

You can use this fun Serbian  Language activity in three ways

free Cyrillic Alphabet activities
  1. Arrange all the bottle caps with pictures in front of your child. They must find the bottle cap with the correct blue syllable and sound it out. Then they must find the missing red syllable and pronounce it.
  2. Place the picture bottle cap and correct the blue syllable bottle cap. Your kid has to find the missing red syllable
  3. Place the corresponding blue and red syllables on the table. They must sound out both syllables and find the matching picture bottle cap.

ACTIVITY#2 Encourage your kid to practice reading words in Serbian language with bottle cap flashcards

learn Serbian using bottle caps

Are you looking for a fun and easy way to practice reading Serbian words with your kids? I have a perfect hands-on activity for your young Serbian learners.

You will need

  • large bottle caps
  • large bottle caps printable with pictures and the blue syllable
  • large bottle caps printable with the red syllable
  • scissors
  • glue

How to set up this Serbian Language activity?

Cut out the printables. Use glue to place a picture sticker on the top of the large bottle caps. Grab the blue syllable, and glue it on the inside of the bottle cap. Now, you have a Serbian word that matches the picture on the bottle cap. When you finish, call your kid over.  

This activity is excellent because your child can revise reading Serbian words independently.

Step 1: look at the picture and read the first syllable.

Step2: sound out the second syllable

Step 3: Turn  the bottle cap over and check

ACTIVITY#3 Reading Serbian two-syllable words board game

Serbian board game to practice reading

This Serbian board game is for you if you want a no-prep activity.

  1. Print out the Serbian board game for kids
  2. Kids take turns rolling the dice.
  3. They place the counter correctly and sound out the missing syllable.
  4. The child who gets to the end first is the winner
Serbian Reading Activities free printables

In this post, you will find a link to my Teachers Pay Teachers store, my primary income source. I encourage you to check it out! There are a lot of excellent materials there, including free samples! Thank you for supporting my work!

If you are looking for more materials to teach your kids how to read Serbian, check out Serbian Reading Passages

Will you download these fantastic and FREE printables today? Pin it for later!

free Serbian printables beginners