Whether you want to introduce Serbian Future Tense to your kiddos or revise what they have already learned, I have four quick, fun, and simple activities for you.
A great way to start learning Serbian Future Tense
How to introduce the Serbian Future Tense to your children? Before learning the Future Tense, you should revise the verb hteti in the Present Tense. I have a solution. A board game. You will have kids engaged and learning in no time.

Let’s set it up
Gather your materials. To set up this activity, you will only need three things. A board game printable, a die, and some playing pieces.
Start by printing the game. Grab a die and put the playing pieces at the start. The rules are pretty simple. Kids take turns rolling a die and moving along the board. Let your kiddos read the pronoun and choose the correct form of the verb hteti in the Present Tense. The winner is the child who gets to the end first.
Initially, this was a multiple-choice worksheet, but I created a hands-on activity instead.
Revise the verb hteti in the Present Tense using a simple worksheet

It’s time to reinforce what your children have already learned in 4 easy steps. You can start by printing a worksheet. Have your kiddos grab a pencil, read the pronoun and trace the verb hteti. Simple and quick. Right?
Let’s dive into learning Future Tense in Serbian
Once your kids master the verb hteti in the Present Tense, it’s time to introduce the Future Tense. I’ve got you covered. Here are two simple activities coming your way.
ACTIVITY #1 Serbian Future Tense Board Game

Start by printing a board game, recording sheets with images, and recording sheets with verbs for each player. Grab a die, playing pieces, and bingo markers. Let your children roll a die and read the verb as they land on it. Now, they must look for the image on their recording sheet representing the verb.

If they have the image, they say ja ću; if they don’t, they say ti ćes. Next, they mark the correct verb on the recording sheet.

When will you give this board game a try?
ACTIVITY#2 A simple worksheet to practice Serbian Future Tense
Have your kids read the pronoun and write the verb in the Future Tense.

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If you are looking for more materials to help your kids learn the Serbian Future Tense, check out Serbian Future Tense Building Sentences
Let’s learn the Future Tense! Grab your free printables today!

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