Board Games, Serbian Letters

Board Games, Serbian Letters

The best way for young kids to learn is through play: Domino, board, and memory games. Kids love them all. Here are five free, simple, yet effective board games to have your kiddos practice the Serbian letters in a fun and playful way.

Let’s play and learn the Serbian alphabet. You must try this board game.


I love making board games. Brainstorm ideas, design, and choose the images to use. But what I love most is the moment when kiddos get so excited about learning while playing the game. Are you ready to set up the first game? Here it goes.

Serbian Letters Board Game

Gather your supplies: scissors, glue, colored pencils, board game, and die 1 printable. You can start by printing the die and the board game. Grab glue and scissors and assemble the die. Place the board game and colored pencils on the floor. The rules are simple. Have your kids roll the dice, answer the question and trace the correct letter. The winner is the kiddo who gets to the board game’s end first.

Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet Board Games

If you want your children to practice writing letters, beginning sounds, and alphabetical order, I encourage you to check out this fun board game.

A simple board game to practice the beginning sounds.

learn Serbian letters

Are you looking for an easy way for your kids to master the beginning sounds? Simple activities are the best, especially when your learners are very young. It’s time for one more board game. You only need a free board game, a dice, and some playing pieces to set up this activity.

identify beginning sounds in words

Let your kids take turns rolling the dice, name the image and identify the beginning sound. Next, they place the playing piece on the image that starts with the same beginning sound. Please, ensure your kiddos can name all the images on the board game before they start playing it.

beginning sounds board game

Kids roll, learn, have fun, giggle, and race to the end of the board game. And we have a winner! Who is the lucky winner? The kid that gets to the end of the board game first.

Roll. Trace. Race. Uppercase letters board game.

If you want your little learners to master the Serbian lowercase letters, they need to practice. Kids don’t like the repetitive practice. Let’s face it. It’s boring. Here’s a fun way to make the repetitive practice more fun. I proudly present one more game.

dice printable

Gather your supplies: colored pencils, glue, scissors, and free printables. Let’s set it up. Start by printing the die 2 and the free board game. Grab scissors to cut out the die and glue to put it together. Have your kids roll the dice, sound out the uppercase letters and trace the corresponding lowercase letters. A player who gets to the end of the board game is the winner.

lowercase letters board game

Practice makes it perfect. Beginning sounds board game for kids.

free printables for kids

I know it. You know it. We all know it. With this in mind, I prepared one more quick and easy board game to encourage your little learners to practice identifying the beginning sounds in words. Games are magical. Games make everything more fun and easy.

free Serbian board game for kids

Here’s how to set it up. Print a board game and grab a dice and some playing pieces. That’s it. You are all set. Let your kids take turns rolling the dice, move the playing pieces along the board, name the image, identify the beginning sound, and answer the question. Are the image and the beginning sound a correct match?

free board game

Would you like one more board game?

Are your kids just starting to learn the Serbian alphabet? Introducing the alphabet to young kids is a big deal. Activities must be short, sweet, and, most importantly, fun. Look no more. I have a perfect board game for your little ones.


Gather your supplies: glue, scissors, some playing pieces, dice 3, and board game printables. How to put the die 3 together? Just grab the glue and a pair of scissors. Have your kids roll the dice and place the playing piece on the same letter on the board game. More advanced kiddos must sound out the letter and find the image that starts with the same beginning sound.


What board game is your favorite?

In this post, you will find a link to my TpT store, my primary income source. I encourage you to check it out! There are a lot of excellent materials there, including free samples! Thank you for supporting my work!

If you are looking for more materials for learning the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet with your kids, check out Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet Worksheets Bundle- Učimo slova na zabavan način

free resources for learning Serbian

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    Serbian Letters

    Serbian Letters

    I’m so excited. Why? I can’t wait to share these three fantastic hands-on activities. If you want to practice Serbian letters with your kiddos, I encourage you to try these simple activities. Learning the alphabet has never been more fun.

    Roll. Color. Learn Serbian letters.

    begginning sounds dice

    Are you looking for a simple, effective way to help your kids master Serbian letters? Reading my previous posts, you will notice I am a big fan of roll-the-dice activities. They are easy to set up, and kiddos love them. My goal is to make learning Serbian a positive experience. With this in mind, I prepared one more roll-the-dice activity your learners will love.

    Serbian letters free printables

    Gather your supplies: scissors, glue, colored pencils, dice printables, and recording sheets. You can start by printing the pdf. Grab scissors to cut out the dice and glue to assemble them. Lay down the recording sheets and colored pencils in front of each kiddo.

    Learning serbian alphabet

    It’s time to explain the rules. Let your kids roll dice 1, name the image, grab a colored pencil and color the image on the recording sheet. Now, have your child grab dice 2 and find the image that starts with the same beginning sound, use the colored pencil to color the image. Kiddos flip the dice 3, hunt for the corresponding beginning sound, grab the colored pencil, and color the letter. Finally, please have your child grab dice 4, find the letter that comes next, and color it.

    Learning Serbian letters can be fun and easy

    This activity is a perfect alternative for multiple-choice worksheets. If your kid is not a big fan of worksheets, this roll-the-dice activity is the way to go.

    One fun board game is coming your way.

    Serbian letters board game

    Do you have a reluctant learner struggling with Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet? Are you looking for a quick, easy, and engaging activity to grab your kid’s attention? No problem. This board game is an excellent way for your kids to learn Serbian letters without being overwhelmed.

    Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet

    Please revise Serbian letters, beginning sounds in words, and letter sequencing before introducing this game to your little learners. You can use flashcards, their favorite toys, or worksheets. Whatever works for your child. After all, you know your kiddo best.

    You will need only a few supplies to set up this activity: a free board game printable, dice, and some playing pieces. Invite your kids and give them directions. Have your kids roll the dice, and move the playing pieces. Please, note that each space on the board game is labeled with a number. You must read the question to your child and have your kid answer the question correctly. And the winner is… The kiddo that gets to the end of the game first.

    ucimo slova

    Here are the questions:

    1. Are the letters arranged alphabetically?
    2. Do the images start with the same beginning sound?
    3. What letter comes next?
    4. Can you identify the beginning sound in the word?

    If your child struggles, you may want to help them out. Let’s keep the fun going. We use games to make learning fun and easy.

    How to use small toys to revise the Serbian letters.

    use small toys to teach kids

    Do your kids have a bunch of mini objects, toys, and figures? Are you sick of having them all over the place? Kids love toys. So why not use something they love to teach them a new language? The possibilities are endless. Alphabet, new words, beginning sounds. You name it.

    free printables for kids

    Here’s how to set it up.


    Print the free sheet, grab a pencil, and pop the small toys in a plastic bowl. Please ensure your kiddo can name the toys and identify the beginning sound. Let your child pick one toy from the bowl and draw it. Have your child draw something that starts with the same beginning sound. Next, let your child write the corresponding letter and the letter that comes next letter.

    Will you give these awesome activities a try?

    In this post, you will find a link to my TpT store, my primary income source. I encourage you to check it out! There are a lot of excellent materials there, including free samples! Thank you for supporting my work!

    If you are looking for more materials to help your kids learn the Serbian language, check out the Serbian Worksheets and Activities Bundle


    Sharing is caring!

      Cyrillic Alphabet, Serbian Letters

      Cyrillic Alphabet, Serbian Letters

      Would you like your kids to have a blast while learning the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet? Here are seven simple, fun, and easy-to-set-up activities. When your kiddos finish the first activity, I promise they will ask for more.

      Roll. Color. Learn the Cyrillic Alphabet.

      alphabetical order die

      I love Roll the dice activities. Here’s why. Roll the dice activities allow kids to have so much fun, compete, interact, and learn. Say goodbye to boring activities kids don’t like. Let’s have some fun and learn the Cyrillic Alphabet.

      Gather your materials: Die 1 printable, recording sheets, glue, scissors, and some colored pencils.

      Serbian letters in alphabetical order

      Please note that you need the same supplies to set up all seven activities: free printables, scissors, glue, and some colored pencils.

      learn to arrange Serbian letters alphabetically

      You can start by printing the die and recording sheets for each player. Grab scissors and glue and assemble the die. Have your kids take turns rolling a die, sound out the letters they rolled, and color the letters in alphabetical order. The lucky player who colors one column first is the winner.

      Let’s find the missing letter. This a quick and simple activity for young Serbian learners.

      missing letter die

      Are you up for a fun activity to practice letter sequencing in Serbian? No worries. One fun activity is coming your way. You can start by printing Die 2. Use scissors to cut out the die and glue to put it together. Next, print out the recording sheet for each player.

      Let your kids choose one colored pencil, and you are all set. Now, invite your kids and give them directions. Have your kiddos roll a die, sound out the Serbian letters they rolled, use the colored pencil, and trace the correct missing letter on the recording sheet. The child who traces all the letters first wins.

      Serbian Alphabet Handwriting Practice

      Roll-a-die activities are fantastic. Why? I managed to sneak in some handwriting practice. Kids are so excited they don’t even realize they are learning the Serbian Alphabet. They roll, trace, and hope to win.

      Quick Beginning Sounds Activity, Cyrillic Alphabet.

      beginning sounds die

      Do you want your kids to be excited about learning beginning sounds? I have a solution. Roll a Die activity. You will be amazed at how eager your kids will be to learn the letter sounds. All you have to do is to assemble the Die 3, prepare the recording sheets, and some colored pencils. Please sit back and watch your kiddos learning the Alphabet and having a blast as they do so.

      learning the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet

      A quick tip: Would you like to make setting up these activities stress-free? You may want to assemble the die and print the recording sheets the day before. The next day you pull out the sheets, grab a dice, and some colored pencils.

      learning the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet

      Let your kids take turns rolling a die, name the image, identify the beginning sound, and color the corresponding letter on the recording sheet. The winner is the one who colors all the letters first.

      What letter comes next? A simple activity to arrange the Serbian letters alphabetically.

      letter sequencing in Serbian

      Are your kiddos asking for more activities to learn the Serbian Alphabet? I’ve got you covered. Let’s put together Die 4. Each kid gets one recording sheet and colored pencils.

      free recording sheet for young Serbian learners

      Have your kids roll a die, sound out the letter, grab the recording sheet, and color the letter that comes next. Who is the winner? The child who colors all letters first.

      Easy Serbian letter recognition activity, Cyrillic Alphabet.

      Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet Die

      How to introduce the Cyrillic Alphabet to your little ones? Let’s assemble Die 5, print the recording sheets and sharpen the colored pencils. Have your kids roll a die, identify the letter and use a colored pencil to label the letter on the recording sheet.

      learning the Serbian Alphabet

      This activity is perfect for kids just starting to learn the Serbian Alphabet. It gives a lot of opportunities for success. Your kids will be so proud when they label their first letter. This is a fantastic way to make learning the Cyrillic Alphabet a fun and positive experience for the youngest.

      Learning the Serbian Alphabet is easy-peasy.

      beginning sounds dice

      Are you ready for one more quick and easy Roll a Die activity? Kids are engaged and having fun. Sounds great? Setting up Roll Die activities is super easy. To set up this activity, you can start by printing the recording sheets, grab 6 colored pencils and label 6 images at the top of the recording sheet. Grab glue and scissors, and you will assemble Die 6 quickly. Lay out the recording sheets and colored pencils in front of your kids.

      Simple Serbian Beginning Sounds Practice

      Have your kiddos take turns rolling a die, name the image and identify the beginning sound in the word. Next, they must find the image on the recording sheet that starts with the same beginning sound. Grab the corresponding colored pencil and color the image.

      Serbian letters

      Learning the beginning sounds in Serbian in a playful way.

      die printable

      What is the best way to encourage your kiddos to master the beginning sounds in Serbian? The trick is to find the activity they love. Do your kids think simple activities are boring? Here is an activity for those little learners who love a challenge.

      Let’s set it up. Use glue and scissors to put Die 7 and Die 8 together. Print out the recording sheets and sharpen the colored pencils.

      beginning sounds recording sheet

      Have your kids roll Die 7 and sound out the letter. Next, they roll Die8, name the image and identify the beginning sound. Now comes the tricky part. If the beginning sound of the image on Die8 matches the letter sound on Die 7, kids grab a pencil and color the image and the letter on the recording sheet. The winner is the child who colors in one column first.

      free materials for learning the Serbian Alphabet

      In this post, you will find a link to my Payhip store, my primary income source. I encourage you to check it out! There are a lot of excellent materials there, including free samples! Thank you for supporting my work!

      If you are looking for more materials to introduce the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet to your kids, check out the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet Worksheets – Azbuka

      Learning Serbian Letters

      Sharing is caring!

        Learn the Serbian Alphabet Printables

        Learn the Serbian Alphabet Printables

        Are you looking for a quick and easy way to help your kiddos learn the Serbian Alphabet? Do you have a set of magnetic alphabet tiles? Would you like to use the tiles to have your kids master the alphabet? I have a solution if the answer to these three questions is YES.

        I am so excited to share printables that are fun for kids and easy for parents to set up. It’s a win-win! Wait! You don’t have the alphabet tiles. Not to worry. Just grab a pencil and print out the pdf.

        Fun Beginning Sounds Match Up for Young Serbian learners.

        learn the Serbian Alphabet

        Today, my little boy discovered letters on the shirt I was wearing. Soon, he started asking questions about the letters. When your kids show interest in learning, don’t miss out on the opportunity to offer them a fun, hands-on activity to feed their curiosity and encourage them to learn.

        Grab the magnetic alphabet tiles, a bowl, and your free printable to set up this activity. Start by printing the sheet. Pop the tiles into a plastic bowl and place the printable in front of your kiddo. Have your child name the image and find the tile with the corresponding letter.

        What letter comes next?


        Children love to learn by doing. With this in mind, using manipulatives is a great way to introduce the alphabet to kids. You can use magnetic alphabet tiles, toys, and puzzles. You name it. Have your kids touch, sort, arrange and move around various manipulatives and learn the Cyrillic Alphabet in a fun and effective way.

        Now, let’s go back to our activity. Grab the bowl with tiles and print out the free sheet. Invite your kiddo and explain the rules. Have your child sound out the letter and find the tile with the letter of the alphabet that comes next.

        Let’s learn to arrange the letters alphabetically.

        magnetic alphabet tiles

        Hands-on activities are my favorite. Leave a pencil in a pencil box and grab magnetic alphabet tiles. I have an idea. Let’s make this activity more fun. Why not turn it into a competition? Your kids will be so excited and motivated to learn Serbian. Ready? Set! Go!

        Each kiddo will get one printable and a bowl with tiles. The set of alphabet tiles I have includes 60 letters, and we all know that the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet has 30 letters. This means you will get two sets in one pack, which is fantastic because you can make short words.

        arrange the letters alphabetically

        If your kids are ready, it’s time for a competition. Let your children sound out the letters, find the matching magnetic letters and arrange them alphabetically. The child who finishes first is the lucky winner.

        Here is one more activity to learn the Serbian alphabet’s beginning sounds

        learn serbian language quickly

        Is the printable in front of your child? Are the magnetic alphabet tiles in a bowl? Then, you are ready for the next activity. Have your kiddo look at the images, name them and if the words start with the same letter, they must find the corresponding tile and place it next to the pictures.

        Play. Have fun. Learn the Serbian Alphabet.

        the best way to learn serbian

        Kids don’t like learning, but they love playing games. Why not use a game to sneak in learning the alphabet? The trick is to keep those little hands busy. The best way to do this is to offer them a game. So, here it comes. Gather your supplies: letter die printable, recording sheet with images, scissors, glue, and magnetic alphabet tiles.

        ucimo azbuku

        Use scissors to cut out the die and glue to assemble it. Let’s talk about the rules. Have your kiddos take turns rolling a die, sound out the letter they rolled, and use a correct alphabet tile to cover one image that starts with that letter. The player misses a turn if the tile is already on the image. The winner is a child who covers all the images first. Easy-peasy to set up and fun to play. Wouldn’t you agree?

        Will you try these alphabet activities with your kiddos?

        In this post, you will find a link to my TpT store, my primary income source. I encourage you to check it out! There are a lot of excellent materials there, including free samples! Thank you for supporting my work!

        If you are looking for more materials for learning the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet with your kids, check out the Serbian Beginning Sounds Yes or No Questions- Cyrillic Alphabet

        how to learn serbian alphabet using alphabet magnetic tiles

        Sharing is caring!

          Free Printables Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet

          Free Printables Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet

          Are you looking for free printables to practice the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet? Your kiddos are all grown up and ready to learn the alphabet. You must be excited and overwhelmed at the same time. Parents are often so excited and can’t wait for their kids to master the letters of the alphabet, so they push them too hard—no need to rush.

          Have your kids learn the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet with ease. Check out these low-prep hands-on activities and have your kids hooked. I can promise you that they will be eager to learn.

          Free Roll and color in printable to help kids learn the beginning sounds

          Free die printables

          This activity is perfect for keeping those little hands busy and learning to recognize the beginning sounds quickly.

          Grab your free printables, and let’s set up this activity

          Gather your supplies: roll a die sheet, die1, die2 printables, glue, scissors, and colored pencils.

          Roll a die sheet to help you learn the Cyrillic Alphabet

          Start by printing off the free pdf. Use scissors to cut out the die1 and die2 and glue to assemble them. Invite your kiddos and explain the rules. Have your children roll die 1, then die 2 and name the images they land on. If the words start with the same sound, they must grab the recording sheet and a pencil to color the corresponding letter. The player must miss a turn if the beginning sound in words is different. The kid who fills one of the columns first is our lucky winner.

          Free Serbian Roll a die printable

          Why do you need to check out these free task cards?

          What is so special about these cards? They incorporate learning to identify the beginning sounds, missing letter activities, and practicing alphabetical order.

          To prep this activity, all you need are a printer and scissors. You can start by printing out the cards. Use scissors to cut out the cards and arrange them in front of your kiddo.

          What will your kids learn if you give these free printables a try?

          Free Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet task cards

          1. Identifying the beginning sounds

          Let your child look at the image, sound out the letter, and say if they are a match.

          2. Which letter comes next?

          Have your child sound out the letter and say which letter comes next.

          3. A missing letter

          Your kiddos must look at the letters and sound out the missing letter.

          4. Cyrillic and Latin alphabets

          Now, your young learner has to check if the letters are matched correctly.

          5. Alphabetical order

          Let your kids take a look at the letters, sound them out, and arrange them alphabetically.

          All this in one activity? These simple yet effective task cards are fantastic. You could turn it into a competition to get your kids excited about this activity. Grab a blank sheet of paper and a pen and record the points every time the kids answer correctly.

          Free Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet Word Hunt

          Materials for learning Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet

          Prepare Word Hunt sheets and pencils for each player. What do your kids have to do? It’s simple. Let them try to find something in their surroundings that starts with the sound, name it and write it down next to the corresponding letter. If you want you could turn this activity into a competition, too. The child who writes out more words is a winner.

          Grab your free printables today and make learning the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet fun and stress-free.

          In this post, you will find a link to my Payhip store, my primary income source. I encourage you to check it out! There are a lot of excellent materials there, including free samples! Thank you for supporting my work!

          If you are looking for more materials to introduce the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet to your kids, check out the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet Board Games and Task Cards

            Serbian Alphabet Free Printables

            Serbian Alphabet Free Printables

            Kids need a lot of repetition to learn the alphabet, especially the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet. A few days ago, my son discovered colorful alphabet magnets. He was so excited. What letter is this? Mommy, is this A? He is too young to learn to identify each letter, but I was so proud that he was curious. These activities aim to motivate children to learn the Serbian Alphabet in a fun and playful way.

            How to help kids practice the alphabetical order?

            Serbian alphabet free board game

            Suppose you feel overwhelmed or don’t know where to start. Not to worry. No child can’t resist a board game.

            Start by printing the board game, and grab a dice and some playing pieces. Have your kids roll a die, identify the letter and pronounce it correctly. They must recognize the missing letter if they land on a blank spot. The winner is a player who gets to the end first. Check out this game and encourage your kiddos to practice identifying the letters of the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet in alphabetical order.

            Let’s practice beginning sounds in the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet

            identify the beginning sounds using a free board game

            You can start by printing the board game, recording sheets with images for each player, garb a die, and some counters.

            recording sheet

            Once you set up the game, it’s time to have some fun. Let your kids take turns rolling a die and moving the counters along the board. They must name the image they land on, identify the beginning sounds and find the image on the recording sheet that starts with the same letter. Easy to set up. Fun. Simple. Music to my ears. Not only will your kids master identifying the beginning sounds quickly, but they will also work on their Serbian vocabulary.

            Here is one more way to master the beginning sounds

            beginning sounds free board game

            Once your kids are familiar with the Serbian Alphabet, it’s time for some handwriting practice. To set up this activity, you will need a board game printable, recording sheets with a tracing font, and pencils for each player. Grab a die and your favorite playing pieces.

            The rules are super simple. Let your kiddos roll a die, name the image, identify the beginning sound and trace the corresponding letter of the alphabet.

            Serbian Alphabet handwriting practice

            This is a great way to keep kids engaged and practice writing the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet. Handwriting practice doesn’t have to be boring. The trick is to keep it fun and playful. Get creative and turn the worksheet into a board game your kiddos will love.

            Encourage your children to practice the Serbian Alphabet and arrange the letters in alphabetical order

            ucimo cirilicu

            Grab a board game, recording sheets, pencils, and a die, and place the playing pieces at the start. Ask a child to identify the letters and sound them out correctly. Next, they grab a pencil and a recording sheet and write the letters alphabetically.

            ucimo slova

            If you decide to give these activities a try, your kids will practice:

            In this post, you will find a link to my Payhip store, my primary income source. I encourage you to check it out! There are a lot of excellent materials there, including free samples! Thank you for supporting my work!

            If you are looking for more materials to introduce the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet to your kids, check out the Serbian Cyrillic Alphabet Worksheets – Azbuka

            srpska azbuka

            Sharing is caring!
